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Meeting the needs of pupils with SEND

Although Woodlea Primary School is now an academy and a member of Tandridge Learning Trust, the Local Authority (Surrey County Council) retains responsibility for children with high levels of SEND.  The authority must provide details of its "local offer" which you can see by following this link.

Further details of how Surrey County Council meets its responsibilities can be found on the SEND pages of its website.

The SEND information report is a statutory document which explains the school's own approaches and support for all children, and the additional support available to those children with SEND.

Please see the link to the full report below.

SEND Information Report

The school follows the national Code of Practice for SEND which was updated in 2014 when major changes were made nationally to SEND provision and practice.  You can see the whole Code of Practice here.

SEND Code of Practice

Woodlea Primary School is committed to being a SEN-friendly school.  This means that we have a "how we can" rather than a "why we can't" approach.  We also adopt strategies across the whole school rather than just for specific pupils.  This means that all pupils can be better supported, and also that pupils with SEND do not feel that they are being treated differently. You can see the SEND-friendly provision plan below.

Some examples of this approach are:

  • All classrooms use visual timetables, which are recommended for pupils with autistic spectrum disorder and those with ADHD, but many other pupils find them helpful as they provide a structure for the day.
  • All teachers will use multi-sensory methods in their teaching e.g. for spelling, which are recommended for pupils with dyslexia but also benefit all pupils. (Multi-sensory means that visual, auditory and kinaesthetic channels are used simultaneously which helps to form stronger pathways within the brain. So children will see, say and write letters at the same time.)
  • All teachers are familiar with and are beginning to use a "zones of regulation" poster.  This is particularly for children who have sensory and regulation difficulties (which can be linked to a number of conditions or circumstances including attachment, anxiety and ASD) but provides a common language for all children and adults to use.

This approach means that children's needs are being met throughout the school day rather than just when they have a specific intervention, and enables all pupils to manage the demands of the school day much better which in turn leads to better academic and social/emotional outcomes.