Frequently Asked Questions
What is an INSET day?
Where are the children allowed to play before and after school?
What is a ‘mufti’ day?
Where Can I Park?
Parking around school is always difficult. The most important points relate to the use of Long Hill. There is no parking at all in Long Hill in the mornings. Long Hill is used in the mornings by parents of older children who turn in the turning circle at our walk in entrance lower down Long Hill. If there are cars parked in Long Hill this affects the flow of traffic and causes congestion at the top of the road.
At the end of the day parents may park in Long Hill but only on the school side of the road between the school entrance and the turning point. Again any parking at the top end of Long Hill restricts the flow of traffic. High Drive is a completely private road and no parking is permitted at any time.
How is information sent home?
General information and our weekly newsletter the ‘Woodlea Word’ is emailed home to the primary guardians via Arbor. Information that requires a response and PTA information may be sent home with the children in their book bags. It is important to check their bags on a daily basis for any urgent messages and in particular first aid reports. We also use a text messaging system for occasions where we have to notify large groups of parents at short notice e.g. in the event of a last minute club cancellation. It is therefore vital that we have up to date email addresses and mobile phone numbers at all times.
I’ve got something to hand in to school. Where should I put it?
How do I make payments to school?
Our preference is that any transactions are made on-line via our Arbor system. When you join the school you will be sent a login and instructions on how to access your account and make payments.
What happens if I am late dropping off my child or late picking up?
If you are late in the mornings (after 8.45am) please bring your child round to the office so that they can be signed in. If you are late at the end of the day children will be brought to wait in the entrance hall and can be collected from there. Please notify a member of the office staff before taking your child home. If you know you are going to be late please telephone the office as soon as possible so they can notify the class teacher.
How do I find out what is on the menu?
Who do I approach if I would like to help in school?
What do I do if my child has lost something?
When does my child need PE kit in school?
Each year group has PE on certain days of the week. PE kit should be worn into school on your child’s allocated PE day. If your child has forgotten their kit, we are usually able to provide kit for them to wear. If kit is borrowed, please wash it at home and return to school as soon as possible.
2024/25 PE Days
Reception – Fridays (this does not start until January 2025)
Year 1 – Tuesday & Friday
Year 2 – Wednesday & Friday
Year 3 – Monday & Thursday
Year 4 – Monday & Thursday
Year 5 - Wednesday & Friday
Year 6 – Monday & Friday
When are parent consultation evenings?
Parent consultation evenings take place in the Autumn term and in the Spring term. The purpose of these consultations is to provide an opportunity for a brief review of your child’s progress so far this year, both in academic terms and in terms of social development. We will have contacted you already if we have identified any specific areas for concern. If you have any specific issues which cannot be dealt with in this short time your child’s class teacher will be happy to make another appointment for you to discuss things in more depth. In the Summer term you will receive a written report on your child’s progress.