Woodlea Primary School
Long Hill
School Office
Telephone: 01883 652358
Fax: 01883 652898
If you wish to contact our Head Teacher, Mrs Gambier, our SENDCo, Miss Rice, our Chair of Governors, Ms Venessa Dexter or any of our teachers, please email the school office on the email address above and we will ensure that the email is passed on to the correct person.
School Location
The school is located near St Paul's Church in Woldingham. Long Hill is a long unmade road so it is recommended to approach the school from the Church end of Long Hill.
Visitors only - there is a staff car park but parking is limited. There is alternative parking available by the Church (as indicated on the map),
If you should require disabled access and or/parking, please contact the School Office ahead of your visit on 01883 652358.
Printed Information
If you require a paper copy of any of the information provided on our school website, please contact the school office.
Tandridge Learning Trust Contact Information